Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Unto the fields of WWII

Saturday, I return to the fields of WWII with my 4th Indians.  WMTG and I are going to slug it out before gaming.  I’ll have read the rules at least once since WMTG kindly transcribed the details to google for universal access.


My list:




Two Rifle teams


Combat Platoons:

·       Four Rifle Platoons

HQ plus three squads for 175-points=700-points

HQ consists of a command rifle/MG team, a light mortar team and an AT rifle team

Each squad consists of two rifle/MG teams


Brigade Support Platoons:

·       One MG Platoon

HQ plus two MG sections for 145-points

HQ consists of one Rifle team

Each section consists of two heavy MG teams


Divisional Support Platoons:

·       One platoon of Royal Artillery antitank portee

HQ plus four 2 pounder portees for 180 points

HQ consists of a rifle team and a truck

These guys are 8th Army, and are Confident Veteran.

·       One platoon of anti-aircraft artillery

HQ section and four Bofors AA guns for 175 points

HQ section is a rifle team.

These guys are 8th Army, and are Confident Veteran.


Infantry and Gun Team Stats:

Rifle Team:

Range 16”, ROF 1, AT 2, FP 6

Rifle/MG Team:

Range 16”, ROF 2, AT 2, FP 6

Light Mortar Team:

Range 16”, ROF 1, AT 1, FP 4+, Can fire over friendly teams, can fire smoke

AT Rifle Team:

Range 16”, ROF 1, AT 4, FP 5+, Tank Assault 3

Heavy MG Team:

Range 24”, ROF 6, AT 2, FP 6, ROF 2 when pinned

Range 40” Bombardment, no AT or FP value.  Cannot do much against hard targets, but can tear up and pin down soft targets.

Bofors AA Gun:

Immobile, Range 24”, ROF 4, AT 6, FP 4+, Anti-aircraft, Turntable


Vehicle Stats:


Trucks and tractors:

Wheeled, no armour

Bofors Portee:

Wheeled, no armor, AA machine gun, Tip and Run

Bofors gun – Range 24”, ROF 3, AT 6, FP 4+, No HE, Portee

2 pounder Portee:

Wheeled, no armor, AA machine gun, Tip and Run

2 pounder – Range 24”, ROF 3, AT 7, FP 4+, No HE, Portee


This gives me a nice versatile force at 1250 points that can take and hold objectives while not throwing too many points into artillery.  Now…on to homework—I mean reading the rules—again😉

Sunday, October 7, 2018

A letter to DGI re-Crippled System

Dear discount games Inc.,

I’m not sure if I am addressing this to the correct organization so I apologize in advance if you aren’t the people I am looking for.

I have been a loyal listener and customer of DGI and the muse on minis podcast network for the last year.  The numerous podcasts are one of the shining points of my day—especially on my 2-hour daily commute.  Even though I barely ever get to play war machine, it has been a pleasure to live vicariously through battle driven, dark guidance, and many other fan-produced shows.

Unfortunately, I’ve had to delete the network from my feed going forward.

This morning I popped on my headset for one of the few quality quiet moments my schedule affords.  I started with an episode of crippled system—usually an entertaining ramble through food, movies, and pop culture with a sprinkling of gaming.  One of the hosts, Nathan, went off on a rant about Wisconsin’s Governor’s attack adds stating that to say he is like a sack of shit is not a simile because the governor is scientifically provably exactly that.  He then said, I can only assume while turning to face the live stream, “to all our Republican listeners, Fuck you.”

I understand that in today’s deeply polarized political climate that a certain amount of political acrimony is unavoidable.  I have no issue with a gaming podcast dipping into ruff language and political commentary—especially if it’s limited to the hosts’ personal beliefs.  As a conservative leaning independent though, I do take issue with the host telling 40%-50% of the voting population to fuck themselves.  I would have the same reaction if he had told his Democrat listeners to fuck off too.  I listen to gaming podcasts to get away from the real world.  Gaming is my hobby and escape.  Especially since the other 3 hosts seemed fine with Nathan’s outburst, I have to assume that this sort of thing is acceptable to them.

I wanted you to know why I won’t be listening to the network any more in case this is an issue you wish to address.  I’m going to continue following chain attack, battle driven, and buying my gaming products from DGI but I will not be listening to the MOM network any more.  I have no interest in even passively supporting intolerance.

Thank you for your continued support of various gaming communities.  I realize that crippled system doesn’t represent DGI’s views on any given subject.  I do not hold you responsible for my frustration.

Please have a great holiday weekend.