Saturday, I return to the fields of WWII with my 4th
Indians. WMTG and I are going to slug it
out before gaming. I’ll have read the
rules at least once since WMTG kindly transcribed the details to google for
universal access.
My list:
Two Rifle teams
Combat Platoons:
Four Rifle Platoons
HQ plus three squads for 175-points=700-points
HQ consists of a command rifle/MG team, a light mortar team
and an AT rifle team
Each squad consists of two rifle/MG teams
Brigade Support Platoons:
One MG Platoon
HQ plus two MG sections for 145-points
HQ consists of one Rifle team
Each section consists of two heavy MG teams
Divisional Support Platoons:
One platoon of Royal Artillery antitank portee
HQ plus four 2 pounder portees for 180 points
HQ consists of a rifle team and a truck
These guys are 8th Army, and are Confident
One platoon of anti-aircraft artillery
HQ section and four Bofors AA guns for 175 points
HQ section is a rifle team.
These guys are 8th Army, and are Confident
Infantry and Gun Team Stats:
Rifle Team:
Range 16”, ROF 1, AT 2, FP 6
Rifle/MG Team:
Range 16”, ROF 2, AT 2, FP 6
Light Mortar Team:
Range 16”, ROF 1, AT 1, FP 4+, Can fire over friendly teams,
can fire smoke
AT Rifle Team:
Range 16”, ROF 1, AT 4, FP 5+, Tank Assault 3
Heavy MG Team:
Range 24”, ROF 6, AT 2, FP 6, ROF 2 when pinned
Range 40” Bombardment, no AT or FP value. Cannot do much against hard targets, but can
tear up and pin down soft targets.
Bofors AA Gun:
Immobile, Range 24”, ROF 4, AT 6, FP 4+, Anti-aircraft,
Vehicle Stats:
Trucks and tractors:
Wheeled, no armour
Bofors Portee:
Wheeled, no armor, AA machine gun, Tip and Run
Bofors gun – Range 24”, ROF 3, AT 6, FP 4+, No HE, Portee
2 pounder Portee:
Wheeled, no armor, AA machine gun, Tip and Run
2 pounder – Range 24”, ROF 3, AT 7, FP 4+, No HE, Portee
This gives me a nice versatile force at 1250 points that can
take and hold objectives while not throwing too many points into artillery. Now…on to homework—I mean reading the rules—again😉