Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The making of an action hero pt10

Entry #9 I’m tired and grumpy. There’s no particular reason, it just comes over me some times. I did well today; the challenge is overcoming the pointless annoyances and mood droppers to keep from making bad choices. My weight has been 304, 309, and 308.2 pounds since Monday. Intake today was a small bowl of fiber 1 and blueberries for breakfast, a turkey and pepper jack wrap along with mixed nuts and an apple at work, and a summer chicken salad over spinach and basal for dinner. The brunette made more oatmeal in the slow cooker while I was at work, so it’s back to steel cut oats for breakfast. I bought some blueberries, bananas, and raspberries while I was at the store. It was fun shopping for the makings of the salad…I’m just grumpy is all. A touch of blue cheese and raspberry vinaigrette dressing added plenty of flavor without butter or other needless fat. Uggggg, more later when I can smile again. Need—that—light—box. Actually need to stop watching live coverage of the Zimmerman trial. That’s probably where my upside down frown is coming from. I hate stupid talking heads; I could do it so much better ;)

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